Ever been truly impressed with the breadth of a colleague’s clinical knowledge and wondered how they got there?

Interim work can be a great way to develop your skillset. In addition to the more obvious benefits of interim work for career advancement, working in different types of facilities with different needs also offers the less apparent benefit of being able to fine tune specific skills. According to a few of the leaders we’ve worked with in the past:
“It got me to re-flex those muscles [in blood bank] that I hadn’t used in a long time. I had worked in large university hospitals and it was a chance to get me back into the main stream and really focus on blood blank.” – Interim Blood Bank Manager
“Having been in so many environments you see that everything operates differently. I have gotten to experience things that I otherwise might not have had I only taken permanent positions throughout the course of my career. Even though I have had CV service line under my role in the past, I recently started working in an executive level position where I have been heavily involved in day-to-day CVOR operations, which is different from past positions. This position really requires me to be ‘in the weeds’ which allows me to see how things work in that area. Additionally, I am working with complex cases and the staff to make things run smoothly. I don’t think you get that experience if you don’t have the flexibility of interim positions.” – Interim Director, Surgical Services
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