Working Toward A Promotion? Here Are 4 Predictors of Success

When working toward a promotion, most of us look to the requirements of the position to determine whether we have the hard skills needed for the role. And while hard skills are important, especially in the clinical setting, they’re not necessarily the only thing managers look for when determining whether or not a candidate is right for a position. Below are 4 soft skills hiring managers often look at as predictors of career success:

  1. Positivity. Not only are employees with positive attitudes more pleasant to be around on a day-to-day basis, but they also tend to have a positive impact on team dynamics and collaboration. Even more so, positivity is especially important in clinical settings where clinical teams are consistently confronted with high-stress situations and interactions with patients and their families. Staff members with positive attitudes can also have a significant impact on both patient and nurse engagement which can boost team performance.
  2. Desire to learn. In today’s climate, both nursing and the healthcare industry itself are changing at a rapid pace. From the automation of nursing responsibilities to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace, clinicians need to be willing to adapt to the ever-changing world of healthcare.
  3. Resilience. The world of nursing is not for the faint of heart. As clinicians shift from the bedside into managerial and leadership roles, they can be faced with any number of challenges ranging from hospital politics to the high-stress situations relating to business performance and employee management. Because of this, resilience is often one of the traits hiring managers look at as a predictor of future success.
  4. Curiosity. One trait that is commonly found amongst successful professionals is a sense of curiosity. Not only does curiosity drive people to look beyond convention and identify ways to improve processes, but it also allows them to approach challenges with a global mindset. Curious employees are more likely to look beyond their team when looking for a solution and instead incorporate the organization’s best interest during the decision-making process.

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In case you missed it:


Lipman, V. (March 27, 2019)  4 Predictors Of Career Success That Managers Like To See


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