Strategies to Optimize Outcomes From Your Interim Leaders – Part 4

Throughout this series, we have been addressing five key strategies that every Administrator can use to optimize outcomes from an interim leader. There are a variety of different reasons why organizations opt for interim leaders to fill a role just as the priorities of the interim assignment may vary depending on the needs of the organization. However, over the course of the past 15 years, it is our experience that the key strategies highlighted throughout this series have proven to optimize outcomes of interim assignments, even though every interim assignment is unique. Below is an overview of the strategies we have outlined throughout this series as well as a description of the fifth key strategy, the importance of achieving quick wins for successful interim assignments.

Key Strategies

  1. Establish expertise desired in the candidate
  2. Determine ”fit” with the culture and beliefs of the organization
  3. Identify the Executive Sponsor
  4. Define goals, objectives and deliverables
  5. Achieve quick wins to set a tone of success

Key Strategies numbers 1 and 2 can be found in the second part of the series; Key Strategies numbers 3 and 4 can be found in the third part of the series. This article focuses on the final Key Strategy – Achieving Quick Wins.

5. Quick wins

Quick wins are visible improvements with tangible results that the interim leader can implement right away and have immediate benefit. Quick wins can set a positive tone early in the engagement and position the interim leader for continued success. Examples of quick wins may include staggered hours to meet work demand, change of forms, or eliminating unnecessary steps from a process. 


Success for both the Interim and the organization is based upon several factors: 

  • Scoping the role to match the organization’s needs
  • Selecting the optimal candidate
  • Setting the foundation for success
  • A clear understanding of expectations and deliverables
  • Achieving Quick Wins at the inception of the engagement
  • Ongoing achievement of outcomes

Since the pace of hospital operations do not allow for a department to go for an extended period of time without leadership, using this multi-pronged approach for interim assignments can result in a winning situation for all parties involved. This is especially critical in today’s healthcare climate where inflated costs have added an additional layer of financial pressure to hospitals who are already seeking to reduce operating costs while improving performance.

This is the final part of our four-part series related to optimizing outcomes with an interim position. To receive updates on related posts, follow us on LinkedIn. Or, visit our website to speak with someone today about Novia Solutions can help with your candidate search.

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